An article in the Australian has our Prime Minister frustrated that more of our unemployed young people are not prepared to travel and live in the country in order to secure unskilled mining jobs.

Though many motivated and aspiring mining workers say Ms Gillard should wake and smell the bullshit!

Comments on employment forum and social networking sites paint a different picture of mining companies and their secret misgivings for expensive Australian workers preferring to use the national labor shortage farce to pave the way for the expansion and wholesale acceptance of the 457 visa program.

Horror stories of committed and motivated workers seeking the most unskilled mining jobs are serially being turned down due to lack of experience or any number of lame and weak excuses in readiness of the governments acceptance of the need to import foreign workers to satisfy the mining industry's appetite for cheap labor.

A comment from an article in the Australian reads......

'Skills Shortage is just mining company bull when they are seeking permission to bring in compliant labour on 457's for the few jobs they do have, and leave millions of Australian citizens on the dole scrap heap.'

And similar comments are easily found everywhere on the internet so one wonders why Julia is offering her shoulder for the mining industry to cry on?

It would hardly surprise if a new 457 visa program was quietly introduced as a sweetener for the mining industry to give Julia a break on the new mining tax regime.

Only time will tell if true blue Australians get totally overlooked for even the most unskilled mining jobs.

At present the mining industry is fast running out of credibility and the present government really needs to decide who's side its on?

  1. Anonymous August 11, 2011 at 4:18 PM  

    Hi,i am 24 year old gentleman from Ghana.i am unemployed due to lack of enough jobs here in Ghana.I will like to seeking for an assistance to enable me secure an unskilled labour job in mining industry in Australia with travel sponsorship to enable me relocate for the job and i will agree to settle the expenses when i start work.Thank you.+233205839200.http//

  2. Anonymous May 10, 2012 at 10:45 PM  

    Lol, you muppet

  3. Steve June 29, 2012 at 1:04 AM  

    I am a 34 year old male with a 2year old son. i was made redundant in Dec 2011 and have since retrained myself. The problems i have with most mining companies is that they don't want to take on green or inexperienced people as they are a huge risk OS&H wise. I understand this but when you are in the construction industry and have 5 years of emergency training, i don't consider myself a high risk. You have to do site based inductions and generic OH&S inductions before you can work on a job site so this should satisfy some to most of the risk requirements. On top of this the Government wants to bring in 457 visas and Enterprise Migration Agreements to satisfy a demand by mining companies other than training Australian people or giving them experience.

    give me a break

  4. John January 19, 2013 at 4:33 AM  

    I really understand your plight Steve. Safety is a huge issue for mining operations which is why the MARCSTA course is so highly regarded by mine recruiters.

    Thanks for your comment!

  5. Anonymous August 12, 2013 at 11:58 PM  

    I don't believe non-skilled or Entry level positions in the Mining Industry Exist. If you look on any of the major mining company websites or job boards such as Seek or Career One. They all require people with experience from what I have seen. How do they expect to get locals with experience if they are not willing to train them in the first instance. Believe me I have Marcsta, Senior First Aid, Working at Heights and Confined Spaces tickets. All of which I was told would hold me in high regard for a Entry Level position. But basically, There is none to apply for!!

  6. nspirecruitment August 20, 2013 at 11:53 PM  

    It is really tough work. But safety is very necessary for it.

  7. Fernando Noronha March 5, 2015 at 3:37 AM  

    we are screaming for workers with a bit of common sense, but be warned out here there are no women, we do 12hr days, 13day fortnights, its hot and humid. If you are interested call to discuss 0419 404 439

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