If you’re looking to score the ultimate of unskilled mining jobs, enrolling in a dump truck course will hugely increase your chances for seriously being considered for a dump truck operator position on a mine site.

Unskilled Mining Job Tip: If you are on unemployment benefits or don’t have a trade certificate of Cert III or higher you may qualify for a government education grant/subsidy or qualify for assistance under the Australian Apprenticeships Access Program. Check the Department for Education, Employment and Workplace Relations DEEWR for details.

Although dump truck courses are far from cheap, completing a five day dump truck course is the single best investment you can make to fast track yourself into a career into the mining industry.

Things to look for in a Dump Truck Course Provider

  • Look for a reputable dump truck course provider which specialises in mining operations
  • Make sure upon completion of your dump truck course you will receive a National Plant Operator Certificate for Haul Truck
  • It’s a good idea to inquire as to the type of dump trucks used in the training course. Typically new model 100 tonne dump trucks are the industry standard.
  • Ensure that your chosen training provider also includes additional training modules such as RIICOM201A - Communicate in the workplace, RIIOHS201A - Work safely and follow OHS policies and procedures as well as the Senior First Aid course and the MARCSTA course.
  • Identify a dump truck course provider that will also help you find a dump truck driver position after your course. Many reputable course providers work closely with local mining operators and will also offer job placement services.

Professional Training providers will often start your dump truck training on a computer simulator before jumping into the real thing.

The dump truck simulator will be your first experience of what it is like to be in control of a 100 tonne plus machine and help you to gain experience and the ‘feel’ of controlling such a large and heavy piece of machinery. It’s here that you have the chance to learn from any mistakes.

If necessary you may spend a whole day on the simulator before you jump into a real dump truck, but for most people less than a half day driving in the simulator provides most people with the confidence for the real thing.

Most dump truck courses are held over five days and it pays to travel to a course providers location where you will be looking to find a dump truck position so your course provider can give you accurate information of which mining operations are looking to hire dump truck operators in the local area as well as help you secure one of the best mining jobs you can get.